Pinto/Oliver's Web Page

Golden Retriever / Poodle (Standard) / Mixed  : :  Male  : :  Baby

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About Pinto/Oliver

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 22-027
  • General Color: Black with White
  • Current Size: 12 Pounds
  • Current Age: 2 Years 4 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: No

22-027 Pinto was a third puppy surrendered by the same owner who had had Chips and Salsa. They said Pinto had not shown any parvo symptoms until a week after the other two had left. Perhaps he really did not, but the parvo hit him the hardest – he was very sick, had to spend eight days in isolation at AMSC and even had to have a feeding tube inserted and a blood transfusion during that time. Finally, 13 days after he had started to exhibit parvo symptoms, he was over the hump and ready to go to his permanent home with an adopter who has renamed the puppy Oliver. She said:

I was very fortunate to foster little Oliver (fka Pinto or “bean”) when he was 3 months old and suffering from parvovirus, which thankfully he recovered from after 5-6 weeks. He was very sweet and quiet when he arrived. Even while sick, Oliver was very playful and adventurous. I’m very happy to say, he is not so quiet now and even more adventurous and playful! He loves playing with his octopus and will definitely snag your socks when you’re not looking! He is very smart and is training quickly, but in true Doodle fashion, very clumsy. I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to adopt such an amazing pup! Thank you to AGR for all of the amazing work you do to get pups into their forever homes. 

Other Pictures of Pinto/Oliver (click to see larger version):
