Booker/Archer (RTR prior 22-036)'s Web Page

Golden Retriever / Poodle (Standard) / Mixed (medium coat)  : :  Male  : :  Baby

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Learn more about the Golden Retriever. Learn more about the Poodle (Standard).

About Booker/Archer (RTR prior 22-036)

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 22-078
  • General Color: White
  • Current Size: 45 Pounds
  • Current Age: 2 Years 9 Months (born on 4/11/2022)
  • Fence Required: Yes(6 foot)
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Obedience Training Needed: Has Basic Training
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Grooming Needs: Moderate
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

22-078 Booker was first adopted when he was 9 weeks old to a Prescott Valley family that had never had a dog. He was quite small at the time, but he grew... and grew... and grew as most Goldendoodles do. When he was 7 months old, the husband and wife both got new jobs that took them away from home much more. They kept the dog in a crate when they were gone then complained that he was hyper and would jump on them, but they did not have time to do any training. Since the wife did not want the dog dribbling water on her new hardwood floors, they kept the dog’s water bowl outside. We were glad when they decided to return Booker to us! By the time he finished a foster stay in Scottsdale with a foster couple and their three resident dogs, Booker had learned to use the dog door and to play nicely with Lucy and Tasha. The foster said he is a smart boy, just needed some serious training and attention.

After receiving several inquiries about possibly adopting BookerAGR offered him to an adopter in Phoenix. The adopter is dog savvy and works from home, which gives him ample opportunity to interact with Booker. He renamed the dog Archer, and just a few days after getting the dog, the adopter brought him to join our group in the Glendale Hometown Christmas Parade. They also walked with us in the Parada Del Sol in February. Here is the adopter’s response when asked how things are going: 

Archer is my fourth dog as an adult, and it’s amazing how different each dog can be. He is very calm when people come over, and doesn’t jump around like other dogs do, but when meeting a new dog he goes nuts. He knows he gets his breakfast at 5:00 AM, immediately followed by a walk – and don’t think about being late. He will make it known that he expects you to abide by his schedule. He is clearly training me to stop what I am doing and play when he wants to play. He loves other dogs, so every afternoon he takes me to the dog park and will play until I put my foot down and say we have to go. I think he would just stay there if he could. Oh, and when he wants to relax and snuggle...he will make you relax and snuggle. I’ve never had a dog so demanding, but it’s wonderful. He wants to be my partner in everything I do. He barks and barks if I work in the yard without him, and that’s not a problem because he is so good at hanging out near me without getting in the way. I also let him come to many stores with me because he is so well behaved and just wants to be involved. We hike a lot, so we signed up for rattlesnake training in May.

More about Booker/Archer (RTR prior 22-036)

Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Plays fetch, Likes to play with toys, Playful, Gentle

Other Pictures of Booker/Archer (RTR prior 22-036) (click to see larger version):

Booker/Archer (RTR prior 22-036) Booker/Archer (RTR prior 22-036) Booker/Archer (RTR prior 22-036)