Duffy's Web Page

Golden Retriever (long coat)  : :  Male  : :  Baby  : :  Large

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Learn more about the Golden Retriever.

About Duffy

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 13-023
  • General Color: Golden/Chestnut
  • Current Age: 12 Years 1 Month (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: No
  • Exercise Needs: High
  • Grooming Needs: Moderate
  • Shedding Amount: Moderate
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
Duffy is also one of the six St.  Patrick’s Day puppies. After happily  toiling with Duffy and his siblings for  many weeks, our AGR President realized that she just  couldn’t part with this sweet boy. So,  Duffy has graduated from the laundry  room to the living room and bedroom  and is now a part of the couple’s  family including their fur kids Ladybird,  Troy and Mufasa in Glendale.  Deb tells us:
Duffy made his debut as an AGR ambassadog on  the Friday before Mother’s Day when he was just 14 weeks old.  The Happy Valley Barnes & Noble customers loved seeing a  Golden puppy with the group, and he loved every person and dog who came. Since he and his littermates were kept together until  they were 12 weeks old, he’s very friendly and very social, as you  might expect. He loves playing with squeaky toys, and one of his  favorite activities is to get his whole self into the toy bin and lie  down on top of all the toys. At 20 weeks, 46 pounds, and a size almost  that of our senior dog Ladybird, he hardly fits into the toy bin  anymore, but he still climbs into it. He also loves playing in water  – likes to “dig” the water out of water bowls, get his entire self  into the big 4-gallon water bin outside, play in the lawn sprinklers  and drink out of the hose, but so far he’s not real keen on swimming  in the pool – when his feet can no longer touch something  solid, he panics a little. We’re confident that he’ll get over that,  though. He and almost-4-year-old Mufasa are best buddies; Ladybird  also plays mouth wars and wrestles with him. Troy ignores  him as much as possible – ever since Mufasa arrived almost two  years ago, Troy never really has adjusted to not being “the baby.”  Duffy has added new life to our household and, of course,  new responsibilities with being another dog to train. He’s been  quick to pick up the training, though. He now knows all the basic  obedience commands: heel, sit, down, stay and come. He will sit  automatically when we stop walking. He also barks at the door  when he needs to go out. All in all, he’s been a joy. We know we  will be seeing Duffy regularly at AGR events and that eventually  he will earn his wings as a certified therapy dog!

More about Duffy

Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults

Other Pictures of Duffy (click to see larger version):

Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy